Discover the Great Outdoors with Dixie Hike & Style and Wild West Overland

Discover the Great Outdoors with Dixie Hike & Style and Wild West Overland

Welcome to the world of Dixie Hike & Style, a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers alike. Founded by Ronel Messick, Dixie Hike & Style is your premier destination for embracing the beauty and challenges of the natural world. We're excited to introduce you to our partner in adventure, Wild West Overland, owned and operated by Greg Messick, Ronel's husband. Together, we're committed to offering the best in outdoor, survival, tactical, overland camping, and preparedness gear and supplies.

Embark on Adventure with Confidence

Wild West Overland isn't just a brand; it's a promise to deliver the highest quality gear for your outdoor explorations. Whether you're trekking through untamed trails or setting up camp under the stars, Wild West Overland equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the wild with confidence.

A Family Passion for the Great Outdoors

The partnership between Dixie Hike & Style and Wild West Overland is more than a business venture; it's a reflection of a shared family passion for adventure, preparedness, and the great outdoors. Ronel and Greg's dedication to curating the best outdoor and survival gear stems from a deep understanding of the adventurer's spirit and the challenges faced in the wilderness.

Your Ultimate Gear Destination

From tactical essentials and overland camping must-haves to survival tools and outdoor apparel, Wild West Overland offers an extensive selection to prepare you for any journey. Highlights of their collection include:

  • Tactical Gear: Designed for those who value preparedness, their tactical gear ensures you're ready for any situation.
  • Overland Camping Essentials: Elevate your camping experience with durable tents, cooking gear, and navigation essentials for the long haul.
  • Survival Gear: Equip yourself with top-notch survival tools, including water purifiers and emergency shelters, to tackle the unexpected.
  • Outdoor Apparel: Discover apparel that combines functionality and style, perfect for any outdoor adventure.

A Community of Adventurers

Beyond providing quality gear, Dixie Hike & Style and Wild West Overland are cultivating a community of adventurers passionate about the outdoors. Through workshops, shared experiences, and educational content, they aim to inspire and prepare individuals for a life filled with adventure and exploration.

Join Us on the Journey

Ronel and Greg invite you to explore the collections at Dixie Hike & Style and Wild West Overland. Whether you're planning an epic expedition or a casual outdoor outing, we have everything you need to embark on your next adventure with confidence and style.

Embrace the call of the wild with gear and guidance from Dixie Hike & Style and Wild West Overland. Adventure awaits, and we're here to help you meet it head-on. Explore our selections today and step into your next great adventure.

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